You need a simple yet sturdy mini round bamboo chair.

Why do you need our Mini Round Bamboo Stool?

If you've ever wished that a bowel movement was faster or more enjoyable, you might like the toilet. "The angle of the toilet bowl doesn't line up with where the anus and rectum should be during a bowel movement," says Sophie Balzola, MD, assistant professor of clinical medicine at New York University's Grossman School of Medicine. The ideal posture for defecation is squatting – a toilet seat helps mimic this posture by raising the leg as the person sits on the toilet. This position helps to straighten the colon and allow the stool to pass out of the body more smoothly.
“Everyone can use the toilet and benefit from it, whether they have a major problem in the bathroom or not,” says Dr. Rohan Modi Posture Correction Device (a fancy name for a toilet). Because the toilet can speed up bowel movements, some doctors recommend that patients try it. The toilet can help relieve various fecal problems, especially constipation. “Patients are sometimes surprised that we recommend a toilet, but this is a safe and highly effective therapy that we in the gastroenterology community accept,” said Dr. Salina Lee, assistant professor of gastroenterology at Rush University.

Our Mini Round Bamboo Stool is an excellent choice because of its versatility. It can not only raise the feet when going to the toilet to achieve the "golden squat position", but also can be used in various other scenarios. For example, it can be used in the shower, as a stool for children to eat or play, or even as a platform for plant pots and other items. Its versatility makes it the perfect addition to your home.Small Round-05

Post time: Jul-12-2023