Is bamboo the fastest growing plant in the world?

Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world and can grow 1.5-2.0 meters per day and night during the optimal growth period.


Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world today, and its best growth period is the rainy season every year. During this optimal growth period, it can grow 1.5-2.0 meters per day and night; when it grows at its slowest, it can grow 20-30 centimeters per day and night. The whole growing up situation is pretty amazing. If the reason is pursued, it is because bamboo provides a good foundation for its rapid growth when it is young. Bamboo is in a multi-node state when it is young. During the growth process, each node will grow rapidly, so it can maintain a rapid growth state. Of course, usually the number of nodes when bamboo is young will remain the same when it reaches adulthood, and the number will not change.


 Also, although bamboo grows the fastest, it does not grow indefinitely. How tall bamboo can grow is affected by the type of bamboo. Different species of bamboo grow at different heights, and once they reach their maximum growth height, the bamboo stops growing.


Bamboo grows as “surface area” expands, trees grow as volume increases

 Another reason why bamboo grows faster is that bamboo grows to expand its “surface area” while trees grow to increase volume. As we all know, bamboo has a hollow structure and is relatively simple to grow. Just expand the area and stack the hollow structures upwards. However, tree growth is an increase in size. Not only does the surface area need to expand, but the core also needs to grow, and the speed will definitely be slower.  .


 However, despite its hollow structure, bamboo can still withstand loads, and fixed bamboo joints prevent the bamboo from becoming unstable as it grows. Perhaps it is its strong growth that affects our country’s culture and makes many Chinese people admire bamboo’s evergreen, upright and tenacious qualities.

Post time: Dec-17-2023